what was the worst loot island and why
What is your dream collab? I wish for a Shrek season with a whole swamp as a map, dragon glider, new gingerbread man skin, donkey, and so on, so much potential for BattlePass and easter eggs/nods to other characters
Correct me if I m wrong about this
Mh I guess crew is worth a few bucks
Whether you like the skin or not, can we talk about how great Epic’s facial scans are???
hey guys what is your biggest regret you can include multiple I have 2 for fortnite, I wish I grinded hard enough to get black knight and another 1 is I wish I bought travis scott instead of astro jack what about you guys?
Who do you guys consider the oldest Skin in fortnite? (Read body text)
Since next season might be a Star Wars season what skins would you Star Wars fans like to see?
These two fight it out. Who would win?
Say something negative about this game
What’s your ping
How we all feeling about Big Dill being the main guy for this season?
For me, great map. What do you think? And how would your great map look like?
How do i change this setting?
Fortnite should make The Devourer as a playable boss like Godzilla.
People are damn scared to engage in a fight nowadays huh
I was so close one time and never again
What character from a video game do you want to see in Fortnite 2025:
What's with people and exclusives these days?!
What skin should I main, been looking for one for a while. (Champ 76% in reload)
Why are they still making these mobile app skins?
My concept for a new original skin. Constructive feedback is appreciated! 😊
What would you rather have: Overpriced Jordans or Shark Slippers?
What superhero do you want to see in fortnite (like a new character or a different version)? I’ll start
Accidentally gave what was going to be my 1st win this season to a bot 😔