For how long will this country last? (part 2)
Nu faci tu ordine LA MINE ÎN BIROU !!!!!!!!
C🐑 e posibil sa fim vecini cu nebunul
If Dante Basco didn't voice General Iroh II, who would you choose as his voice actor instead?
N-ar fi transgender un nume mai bun ?
A PICAT LIRIC GUYS 💔❤️🩹💖💀💀💀☠️☠️☠️
Ce înseamnă “OTPS”?
Credeti ca ar trebui reintrodusa armata obligatorie ?
For how long will this country last?
Ești un sandvici idiot
Went to my local supermarket today (Germany)
Ce mumu si-a luat Simion :))
Romania isn’t real sometimes…
România câteodată nu e reală
How many languages do you speak ?
Do you think ANYC will still be held in August in 2026?
Honestly who cares
The usual Robmanian gamer
Gamerul român obișnuit
Care ar fi o traducere aproximativă în engleză a cuvântului “fiță” sau “fițe”?
It can't be that confusing right?
The country of your birth month has to be UNproblematic for a decade. If so, you win $10M. If not you d!3. Comment your results!
Are Serbs really Russia puppets? I mean :
Хубавците ни прославят
Cum ne sapam groapa singuri