Feeling a little alone in the world, but hey, at least it’s a beautiful day! [female]
Here we go again! This stuff is rampant in my feeds lately...
Found in the wild…
Any Natural Strawberry-Blondes interested in helping create a Hair Chart?
How much weight lifting gets one to this shape?
Sunscreens that don’t sting my eyes and light on skin
Am I ugly? I’m pretty sure I’m not but gained 30 lbs in the passed year so I feel ugly.
Worst rated restaurants in SB?
TIL for centuries in China, young girls' feet were tightly bound, breaking their toes to fit beauty standards, causing lifelong disability and dependence on men.
I 100% agree with this
I had two leaves — we covered one and refreshed the other
Happy Saturday Everyone! 🥰[female]
I want to enhance my NATURAL RED hair.
What is something that is taken to be fact, but the process is poorly understood by scientists?
What would you do if you your teacher messed up grading on a test and gave +10%?
Ducky girl
Work with all budgets...
[Acne] It was the sunscreen all along
This woman is CRAZY
tattoo word choice, is dich to close to d*ck?
Turning down a client?
Weekly ask an Artist thread
is it a grading mistake? should I appeal???? She gave me B+ but in canvas says I have an A- :(
this is becoming increasingly annoying
Do the props get cleaned? 🫣