Any change we can get a Off topic flair, to just hang around and chill?
Ok, wtf, reddit?
Games we picked for you...
What do you guys think about Wings going dark? They claim they were harassed by "GamerGate" lol.
A real shame
GTA 5 gameplay in Africa - Reimagined by AI
What is your stance on feminism?
Fake Modern Gamer DOESN'T Buy Games: 'Bloom & Rage'' Developers Admit?!
Most cringiest thing I ever seen.
I wonder why lol
Happy International Body Type 2 Day
So, what modern consoles ya own? Why and what great games have ya played on em?
Interesting... I wonder whats causing this big drop ?
Is it just me? I always feel depressed after finishing a Romance Anime.
Generational leaps
Any romance, fantasy or school anime where MC gets bullied, or hated but finds girl or girls that helps him?
Hate me all you want, but stop the double standards
Beating the allegations
GGdiscussion. We are neo we are the one.
Seeking for bots that would autoban users by detecting unwanted subs and/or filtering phrases, words that will be auto deleted and banned.
This is how bad the brigading situation is. Keep in mind we have three regularly active mods.
After a great success with silent hill 2 remake, who's looking forward to this political driven masterpiece ( metal gear solid 3 delta)...
Is MC and Hop only ones winning Gym Leaders?
Upvote me so I can post on hugboxes that require positive karma