What behaviors from your parents do you resent?
Do you take it extra personal when people don't listen to you because of how your parents never listened?
What would make you feel really sad to lose?
I don’t like an empty fridge
I don’t like being told to “be realistic”
I don’t like being treated like an emotional dumping ground
I don’t like when people take one individual’s actions and use it to define an entire group
I don’t like the sound of running water
I don’t like how platforms shape content for engagement rather than value
I don’t like arguing just for the sake of winning
I don’t like forced social rules that feel fake
What’s something small and simple that annoys you more than it should?
I don't like when someone walks just slow enough in front of me that I have to awkwardly adjust my pace to get around them.
What’s a small, everyday thing you just don’t like?
I don’t like how everyone complains about the time change
I don't like soft touches
I don’t like embarrassing myself.
I don‘t like going to viral restaurants
DAE feel exhausted by the pressure to always be “on” in social situations?
I don’t like how food is turning into a social media gimmick
I don’t like the sound of people filing their nails
Being forced to talk about things that are dangerous
I don't like people
I don’t like forced facial expressions
Trying to reason with pop culture news addicts