How do you think James and Louisa would react if J and Tessa started dating?
an Episode 5 scene Re-Draw!!
What are some episodes where Squidward wins in the end?
So, is the Giant Chicken finally dead or what?
Do you believe season 4 belongs in the golden age?
Manor relationships be like. Ft. Envy (By @Kottena074_SFW)
Role reversal By Sebastian José Mayurel Linárez
"Regrets" by @KateTheodorson
Mr Krabs once said…
"Sleep" mode By @mnimi_x
What would be your reaction if Jessa is confirmed canon
The sillies By @Twindeerbolos
'Wonder what slop they'll be serving in the canteen today... oooh, Jessa sketchslop! (By seniorinformant)
Together ever after By @Sips_oftea
Girl Toy By @dailysdj
Your favorite episode between these two
Artists of r/JessaMurderDrones, I have come with a challenge, I shall hold a competition of who can create the best redraw the Sub Banner, whoever makes the best one shall have theirs replace the current banner
Idea for a murder drones spin-off/au if Liam doesn't use it could have j x tessa stuff in it if it was made
Just a happy couple.💛 By tsukiiyo
Okay, Tessa's VA DEFINITELY likes Jessa
"Ops" By @mnimi_x
Brazilian MD stuff idk man
My spongebob fanbase pet-peeves
Flirting By @cheesecakewitch