novice with the baddie he pulled over at eden
(X) he turns back into his original form after losing his armor
Endless 201 is possible (if you have expendable resources)X
(X) they still drop the cards
(X) difficulty increase challenge
(X) the weird ass waves in expert
(X) Theory: maps
(X) what is the most overlooked damage type in the game
Eradicator Mk0 (X)
X is good
X Which is/was harder?
Xenon furry
X its kinda chilly in here, don't you think?
u seriousX
What will be the name of these loadouts and how will they last in Xepert
What would these loadouts be Xcalled (2)
What would these Xoadouts be called?
Xanger are u lost
More Xgamemodes
Objective-based Xgamemode
Any good strats for nightmare chapter 3X (Images unrelated)
What loadouts are yall going to use for hallXween
Look at this Xbozo
can someone pull her off plz
Oil rig 2.0 (X)