In case you want to avoid bench bleeding master cylinder
Floor Pan replacement and repair
But why?
Why do you like Noita?
The CREC is bound together by worship style and culture, not theology.
Padding on audio-technicas wearing away (and getting all over my clothes) - any recommendations for something to wrap with?
Where do you live? What is your sailing season? Would you rather be somewhere else?
What profession is useless and provides no benefit to society?
A reminder that a lot of people need
What is the first movie you remember watching in the theater?
Recommend books about Angels in the christian tradition.
Looking for US colleges that have an undergraduate major in materials science or materials science engineering
Feeling impulsive, what should I buy?
LPT: If going to a business lunch or dinner, always check the menu online before going and figure out what you want to order
Superabundance: A breaking edge of economic theory?
Has anyone watched CS Lewis Sermons on YouTube? Is this AI generated content?
ELI5: why does grinding something into powder increase the volume?
Discussion on CCM
Discussion on modern CCM
Which tool brand ecosystem would you invest in for 2025 and why for the occasionally frugal DIYer?
ELI5: whats called the feeling when you see something and it reminds you like youre in a different state/location/ you feel like a different person.
Found on Tiktok
Looking for good quality earbuds(specific requirements)