How can I overcoming me my social anxiety ?
Guys who is your celerety crush ?
Why people don't really mind thair own businesses ?
Is it normal to get booner while seeing crush everytime
Guys what's is your type
What is your type boys
Does girls feel proud if there pp is pink
Why is blojob not considered unhygienic
I just found out that my classmate died
What’s the best “boys locker room” moment you’ve ever witnessed?
Do you guys change out in the locker room, why or why not?
How old were you when you formed your first crush?
How many of u guys loved watching other countries highschool vlog.
I hate growing up
What is meaning of a good day for you guys .
I realised I lost many opportunities just because I was too shy !😔
Why I addicted to raddit .
I hate being growing up 😔!
What is time at your place
What time is in your place ?
Who else hates been being grown up !
I just bright caught nutting by family member
I am not living my life according how I want just because I think about what other think about it
What is best thing about being a boy .