If The Boyon gets broken through, does Alonso just die lol
Turns out that Tachimukai and Tsunami’s teams and Ogre had ares designs
Which character do you prefer and why
All Information that PegachanTV was able to get during Level 5's reunion with the Ambassadors.
What's the thing you hate about this sub?
Roger with Kaidou's fruit vs Whitebeard. Who wins and what diff?
So how comparable are the og characters to Go?
Trigger a fanbase with one sentence
Level 5 Vision V2 Megathread
Who is stronger in your opinion ?
Who is the best player?
Hard choice, what do you think?
Hibiki vs Hitomiko vs Kudou. Which one is your favorite between them?
whats the most overrated IE character in your opinion?
The strongest?
This chad stopped a keshin without hissatsu
Gazel & Burn vs Sein & Desuta vs Hakuryuu & Shuu. Which one is your favorite duo?
Who wins ? (No gimmicks)
Who win?
Who would win
Tenma's rare casual outfit art
Who would win this match ?
Both teams have equal stats. Who do you think is winning?
Who would win in a fight Jake or Cake?