Something's wrong with my Mayoi chibi
The Fragile cover was okay ig :/
Why don't we have "One with One" unit versions?
Which MV outfit would you rather have?
The song has changed to the Ibuki version...
vanquish kuro
i cant find my mayoi nui
Has anyone tried logging back in to their old account in Ensemble Training?
When a mii asks that someone needs a special someone and I chose someone else why is it that some are blanked out?
Birdie found in the school bathroom
Made an Tamagotchi Wish-list :( I know for a fact that none of these exist in Europe
Will they ever add more songs in Ensemble Training?
who got you into Enstars and who made you stay?
update on pc?
Mayoi and Arashi newest bloomed cgs needed pls
Idols With the Best Voices
Finally hit 50k dias 🥹
Ask me Anything.
I found a bee costume
Happy Halloween! Does anyone else have their boys in “costumes” on their home screen for the occasion? 👻
Letting the rabbits out
Is there a way for you to contact the creator of a character?
I don't have the PC version myself, but want to inquire how the flick notes work on the PC version
I’d love to know: what was your “spark” bird? The one that started this obsession you now have… know what Im talking about.
What's the most random or funniest thing the AI has called you?