Height dysphoria be hitting hard
EuGH stärkt Transrechte bei Geschlechtseintragswechsel
100 Mrd. fürs Klima haben die Grünen rausgepokert und die Linke schießt direkt dagegen? Da fällt mir nichts mehr zu ein.
Germany supports the creation of a European Army (survey)
Noah Samsen just uploaded one of the most concise videos on the genocide in gaza and the horrible warcrimes comitted by Israel ive seen so far
Are you an Accelerationist?
Pope is a communist confirmed
Democrats aren't cooked, they're burnt, dry and with the side of e. Coli
When the puppy comes to you because he's a "woman's" dog but you're a trans guy.
Yes l see communism exactly like that, questions?
Ich werde Linke, die Anti-Habeck sind, niemals verstehen.
Warum werden Migranten deportiert?
The reason people get deported
Make this viral please
he said this
🇭🇷 Dora 2025. Final @ 20:15 CET
Irgendwas schräges läuft hier
Ich kann das alles nicht mehr
It is now Transphobic to Say That Both Major Parties are Bad
🇩🇪 Chefsache ESC 2025. Final @ 20:25 CET
I wanna hear some positive leftist news
Such decent people 🥰
A very difficult watch (affectionate)
Just a little trans witch 🏳️⚧️✨
What are some disgusting lies that are spread by anti communists?
Mehr Ausländer erhöhen die Kriminalitätsrate nicht