Snow Sculpture to raise awareness of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women in Kotzebue, Alaska. [OC]
Some of my favorite NH flag redesigns that I’ve seen on Reddit. Would you like to see any of these replace the “Seal On Blue”?
NYC to Halifax Nova Scotia. Doable in 7-9 days?
Best affordable sushi around LAX or further out northwest?
What’s left?
What film had an explicit sex scene that was not exploitative but was necessary for a high-quality movie? [serious]
Is Christian nationalism at odds with the doctrines of grace?
Where is the flow meter?
What visceral sounds from movies are stuck with you forever?
I drove 2400 miles alone. What I learned.
Who would you cast Mel Gibson as in the MCU?
I found a cache but I can’t find the clue
People who know a porn star personally, what's that like?
Lily Tang Williams, NH02 (R) for Congress 2024, melts down over Tesla stock sinking and not being able to access Twitter. Blames radical leftists/Marxists/communist mobs
Moving to Newton - Family of 5 expenses
Curious to know: how are Granite Staters feeling about Donald Trump/Kelly Ayotte’s economy so far?
YSK If only 6% more Americans chose to adopt a pet versus purchase from a pet store or breeder, we would end the killing of dogs and cats in shelters
US Coast Guard Academy Censors ‘Climate Change’ From Its Curriculum
I’ve been to all 48 contiguous states. Here’s my opinion.
Dangerous Playgrounds of the 1970s - Photos That Prove Safety Wasn’t a Priority
1.99 Pint of Florida Strawberries. No one was touching them.
Should Bonhoeffer have submitted to civil authorities?
Best [unique to LA] family breakfast place between LAX and Thousand Oaks (405->101)
"The devil is being forgotten."
Who’s the best Jennifer?