Drake the type of guy to wear an industrial helmet after his head got blown off by Kendrick
Drake the type of Misnomer Melvin to shout the shitty ass name of his new invention, then say “I’m still workshopping the name…”
"Reveries of the Damned" OMTHAS vs Trauma (Blinko and Co. VS. Liminal Reverie)
Big important thingy
How does the AP of your non-god OCs scale on the Boomstick Scale?
[Death Battle]
If DB does another battle Royale, what should it be? (Doesn’t have to be from the images)
Some DBM original matchups that I think are underrated
what's your favorite fan commissioned track?
Official crossovers that just… make sense
Characters whose last names are just what animals they are
Drake the type of weirdo beardo to say “game on” when he boots up his XBox
*Violently vomits this onto the sub* round 16
Favorite character who is canonically a skilled artist?
I swear the one I prefer changes each week.
[WP] The older brother of a magical girl finds that device that allow her to transform, and accidentally gets sent to the deity that gave her powers. Rather than freaking out, he agrees to keep her secret on one condition…
Characters who would probably swear a lot if the they were in wasn't for kids.
Predictions for what'll happen in episodes 7-9? (video unrelated)
What did he see? (Wrong answers only)
[R.A.M The Robot]
"Yes [character], we see the fit."
Amy's ride got that WW scaling, Ramona could never
Episode 5 news from GLITCH
Drake the type to be caught kissing a picture/drawing of his crush