Revi Pixote hoje e ainda não acredito que vi isso na escola!"
What was the 1st game you remember playing on a desktop computer?
A woman in Brazil saved a dog with a cardboard box
Feels like flying
Eat it.
Left my rice cooker in my car for an entire month
How can I make my games backgrounds appear like that in Aurora? I want to see the background of each game appear just like that
Paige Niemann is the definition of uncanny valley.
TIL Ariana Grande has a famous stalker named paige niemann who uses plastic surgery to look like her
What should I add?
they wouldn't let him cook
Higher Quality Trailer 1 (Bilibili Version)
coloquei literalmente tudo de disponível
This hotel a family member stayed at recently
Spotted in my University's engineering building
[Mobile] [2020-????] A game about a cube and directions.
McDonald's giveaway code
McDonald’s code Giveaway
Oh Look Another McDonald's Code Giveaway
Genshin Impact - Update 4.7 Hub
I'm scared of ekt
Genshin Impact - Update 4.0 Hub
4.0 More Marine Life Swimming [ Mute Warning / NSFW Music ]