Had to pay a dd service
What's everyone's progress?
How have drugs positively benefitted your life?
Who do you think would make a really good faithful?
Season 2 - Dan
Can y'all stop hating on Harrison?
free energy
Would Gilead still stand in our world?
I think it would be fascinating to see Lumen return in Resurrection!
As much as I like Original sin this always bothered me…
I can’t live another day like this anymore…
I freakin’ did IT!!!!!! 🤩🎉
Why doesn’t everyone like the last season?
Can someone tell me if this is a narc? My husband with the kids and me
Just finished New Blood
Coming off of xanax
I hate this so much
Ally’s insta story:
what’s with the OMG I took a second pill posts?
Bizarre things non alcoholics do with alcohol
Does the timeline in the final episode even make sense?
Ariana was a guys' girl until it affected her
I suddenly just lost the cravings for alchol
Personally haunted by Schwartz saying Jo getting dressed up is like putting lipstick on a pig.
I left the house without my vape.