Asking for a little help here.
Whom do you serve? (Wrong answers only)
wait. is this impossible or am i just dumb?
A behind the scenes photo from The Lord of the Rings the Fellowship of the Ring.
3 paths, 1 goal. (Act 3.)
Extremely easy lore-fix.
How are orcs made? (Nonserious)
I'm curious...
What if Frodo became a wraith? (Joke title: Frodo kills the fellowship with plot armor and brutal cunning, part 1.)
I'm gonna write a fanfiction here, to keep you guys sane until Warner bros finally releases the nemesis system.
I need a good Sindarin/Black speech (depending on which you have the best answer for) translation here, please and thank you.
Could Sauron (or even Morgoth) have conceived a child?
Daughter of Sauron
[TOMT] Horror movie about sleep deprivation and teenagers.
The night feels safer than the day to me. Why is that?
What might Frodo's life have looked like if he never left the Shire?
3 paths, 1 goal. (Act 2.)
Enough about sex, or friends, or even tactical uses....
Wenduag is sacrificed to the phylactery.
What thing made Nermal say this?
Arueshalae is the Evilest Companion—And I Can Prove It
Opposites Even In The Smallest Ways
Here's a random joke question
3 paths, 1 goal. (Act 1.)
I made a big mistake, but I incorporated that mistake into my character.