I'm definitely going with 4 day workweek with the 10 hour shifts please. With 3 consecutive days off in a row sign me up.
Anybody hate how Corporate America doesn't allow 4x10s?
First time rider - 2008 GSX650F a good first bike?
Seller Has title, but not in their name and never registered it
Best way to transport a motorcycle long distance?
Exit / escape plan (serious)
Best Chicagoland GCs to work for?
YZF600r sports tourer a good beginner bike?
Zx-6r First Bike - any tips to not kill myself
I am not surprised that HD riders get such a bad rep'.
How hard is interior & exterior caulking on small commercial projects?
Looking for a good motorcycle for beginners under 5k
For me, the Cyberpunk sequel just needs interactive NPC and World.
Anybody else thinks new misc is trash?
Anyone car guys kinda don’t care about cars anymore after riding?
I was ran over
I want to do boneless skinless chicken breasts. What's the best method??
I can't believe I think touring/ Adv bikes are awesome.
Why does it seem like “everything” is a beginner bike.
Why do some sellers not put up a good description? Is it a red flag?
Former and current obese people, how did you lift weights without complete exhaustion?
I hate this sub :(
He handled that pretty good.
You’d be dumb not to
Anyone have the link? This dude just slammed so fuckin hard.
This 1400 dollar helmet is just a work of art. This is unbelievable that he sustained no injuries but Diplopia (double vision) after this incident.