How effective will the hover pack actually be?
AH is the GREATEST studio!
The Squad on March 20th:
My introduction to the new opps
The new patch be like…
PSA: Its not a jammer
So the bots have a new fabricator...
Striders now have stratagem jammers attached to them.
[OC] the Thrasher!
A lot of people talking about new guard dog drones… I think we can all agree there’s only one more guard dog we need
The time will soon come...You could be next 🫵[OC]
[Help] Possible Helldivers Lofi Music?
Miniatures inspired by Godhusk
Smells like dissidence to me.
I know we have the FRV but....
Ice stick
The flying drones are nice but having a dog would be better
Tactical mistake
"Affirmative......deploying Danny Devito"
Dear AH, all I ask from future motorcycles is the ability to fire single-handed weapons while driving
What about an old school warbond?
He was not impressed
you guys are an overwhelmingly nice player base :)
Super Earth here to tell the time!
Looking to scrap as many Automaton as possible, any load-out recommendations?