Am 1300 EUR Cash si nu stiu cum sa ma folosesc de ei intr-un mod smart.
Why doesn't the Midas touch affect some items?
did anyone else have their timestamps change
(Bad Edit) So uhh, what was the design choice behind these? 🤣😭
Probleme cu Orange si CreditExpress pentru niste facturi neplatite de 10+ ani.
How to Enable Burn-In Protection on Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra Using ADB and SetEdit NO ROOT NEEDED
bring us back csgo
Incepem si noi boicotarea produsele Americane? Hai sa gasim alternative macar la capitolul mancare! Avem multe alternative din Romania, hai sa ajutam economia locala!
S23 base successfully sideloaded to One UI 7.
S23 OneUi7 Beta live in india
i remembered that zed is actually hot and that i never drew jhin so👁️👄👁️
A guy appeared in the corner of my screen???????
what do i do with all of these iron ingots?
GTA 5 Enhanced is now the worst-rated Rockstar game in the history of Steam
Not to be rude to designers, but how can you hire people who can't even make the button size the same
I made Microsoft's phone link or KDE Connect alternative [Update]
I'm practicing terraforming, how did I do?
On a side note, is it easy to switch from win11 to some linux based os?
Game Ready & Studio Driver 572.60 FAQ/Discussion
Birch forest done
Carved a swimming pool inside this mountain long ago, the rest is history. This is my lifetime work called 'Scaie'
New Unstoppable Medallion does not protect you from fall damage. Be careful!
new discord feature: a text status doesn't hide your activity completely
Any name suggestions?