Rejected transfer from lone star community college
Dear Coogs who changed majors, how as it been since?
Tell me your O Chem horror stories
How would you change the University architecture?
Kempner vs Dulles vs Austin HS
Thoughts on these three?
Dear Middle Eastern, 38th President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, known for his pivotal role in the Camp David Accords, passes away at 100. What are your thoughts?"
Syria demanding $300 billion from Iran as compensation for what it did in Syria. Syria also denying any diplomatic talks with Iran, confirming that communication is "completely cut off."
What he saying in a nutshell; America is pathetic
Israel has already expanded their zone of control in their invasion of Syria beyond the buffer zone, after Netanyahu declared the UN agreement of 1974 null.
With Assad no more, what would be the fate of Syria?
I proposed a flag I made for Sugar Land to Council of Sugar Land by email- Unfortunately, they rejected due to cost but gave alternatives
I created/found a new Meme template
What does my Last name mean?
What’s your opinion on the new UH Merch
Denied assured admission into Cullen school of engineering despite 3.88 gpa
If you were caliph in any caliphate? What would you do differently?
Ork eating Steel Legion soldier by MossaCannibalis. NSFW!
What would have happen if The Umayyad Caliphate never made Arabic the official language
My version of the Pre-Islamic Basmala (Originally written in Late Sabaic Minuscule) using the 6th C Nabataean/Arabic script.
Prospective student
Undecided whether to major in Biology or Biochemistry
College Ratings: Share Your Experiences and Opinions
Found on a certain OTHER Warhammer subreddit (uncensored obviously)