I have returned for the annual Flair Check!
Show me your FLAIRS! I want see the absolute insanity you motherfuckers have came up with, and I'll rate them based on how crazy they are using a 1-10 scale. 1 being completely normal to 10 being Holy Shit, you need to reach and touch grass.
Okay, everyone, let’s see your flairs!
Am I the only one that thinks that angel dust is named after the drug?
Smash or pass: female Hazbin characters
What HH character do you hate?
what hellaverse characters do you want a hug from?
Why won't people accept her actual age?
Which character would you want to comfort you like this?
Give me your most cursed images right now
What are they?
People who have horny flairs, if you went allowed to have horny flairs what would your flairs be. And for non horny flairs, what would you have your flairs be if they had to be horny (image unrelated)
What is this for yall
This is supposed to be serious, why is this shot so fucking goofy
I have had this in my head, so I must share
Guess who just got out of the vet cause he fucked me so hard he passed out? This cutie pie!
Sketched this up yesterday, what do you think?
Who is your fav hazbin hotel character?
Your last saved meme is what you have to defend yourself in court. Are you screwed?
Do It
Show Foxy your last saved image NOW
I need your last saved images. No questions asked.
do it
What was this game for you?