What was your hottest ever Draco moment in a fic?
LF AO3 fic recs: long, plot driven, with Hermione having good developed friendships, and love triangle
LF fics where one of them does something embarrassing/cringy in front of the other
Feel good Dramione without any tear jerker moments
If you could go back and read a Dramione or Dreomione fanfic for the first time which one would you pick???
I want my abs to hurt and liquid to come out my nostrils. Fluffiest, unhinged, chaotically hilarious fics required.
Fics with really good academic/philosophical conversations?
I’ve got a new Narcissa fancast, do you see it too?
Underrated Fanfic Friday - 07 March 2025
looking for rich hermione fics!
Pre-war Jealous Hermione (Hogwarts era)
Does anyone have a pining fic where Hermione has a crush on/dates Blaise before Draco? Preferably mid-to-long
Looking for your fave Draco & Crookshanks moments!
fics where hermione is swimming in money
Probabilities by onebedtorulethemall — 36k comedy — now complete!