What’s the most effective takedown in a street fight or self defense context?
How it feels trying to take off a rashguard after no-gi
Why does BJJ get so much hate ?
Brown/Black Belts: What do you still suck at?
MMA is not the end all be all
Three to protect you while the other six try to end you 5.0
Is he taking the win or Nah?
Is this a bad time?
[Spoiler] Victor Hugo - Nicky Rod
Favorite female character that ACTUALLY scares you
The fact that people call Kade a “spazz” is wild. In wrestling, he would be out “scrambling” everyone. His style is exciting and technical, stuff a lot of us were saying the sport lacked…
Of all the characters we have NOT already seen lifting Mjolnir(in main continuity) who do you think deserves it? (art from Thor 2020 #7)
(Really hated trope) When the show completely goes against it's themes for the sake of "funny"
Concept art gives first look at Doom, Silver Surfer and more from new film
Real talk,you would think that a guy who was a former goddamn president would have better leadership and people skills but he is a awful leader.
How unstoppable would Peter be if he was a martial artist?
What is the point of rolling (for you personally)?
Reinventing Cap's fighting style was probably the most badass thing the MCU did to modernize the perception of the character...
How much wrestling do you incorporate in your BJJ?
What superhero is most commonly referred to as their actual name more than their superhero name?
How well do you think khabib would do in folkstyle ?
If you could change one rule in BJJ..
Possible hot take but I like Ben’s beyond suit more than the sensational one (art by Marco Checchetto)