Hit a pretty nice clip in gun run
Archon meeting
Fights in knockout be like 🥴
Both hands
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.
INTPs have only 3 moods, really
Why can't I drop solo?
Polyamorous relationship in an ideal world, will or will not work?
Why do atheists always wins
Got both of these in 1 day
Any religious INTPs here?
Do you guys make your bed?
INTPs, what’s your position?
Xingqiu, there's a limit to copying homework...
show me the best furina art you found
*almost* 20 questions. i have many things to ask you
“Show no mercy!!!” (by: LittleRedhoodd)
What's the point?
As an INTP I feel exposed
compare which game advertises better to its child's
You Might Be An INTP If________________
Whats your IQ?
what are the odds of 2 identical bins right next to each other?
If you could be a transformer…