What makes you question the mind of people ?
Whats the worst thing happened to you ?
American redditors, what got worse and what got better in the last two weeks ?
What feels wrong but right at the same time?
Whats super stupid to do but super fun to see?
My list of elden ring, sekiro and bloodborne bosses
Whats the most american phrase youve heard in your life ?
What was the funniest thing that happened to you Today ?
Was ist euer Geheimrezept gegen immer wiederkehrende Müdigkeit ?
Redditors, which movie derserves a sequel and why ?
Whats the funniest way to get out of an uncomfy Situation ?
Whats something stupid youve done/said and whenever it comes to your mind it just cringes you ?
If you could combine 2 animals and 1 object to get 1 super animalthingy , what would you use and how would you name it ?
What tv show / movie would be way better without its sex scenes ?
Whats something you enjoy while doing it but regret afterwards ?
What is your favorite MOVIE of all time? Why?
In was seid ihr super aber traut euch keinem was davon zu erzählen?
In what ficitional world youd wish to live in ?
Why are so many bad things Happening in the new year already ?
What is the most satisfying thing you have experienced?
What type of dresses Turn you on ?
Welches „normale“ Kleidungsstück macht euch aus irgendeinem Grund an ?
Whats the best and the worst thing about living in your country?
Have you ever dated a person who was much older and how was it?
Whats sth you wish you have continued with ?