Guys, which one should I focus more on skins, killers, survivors, or emotes?
Choose a Forsaken superpower to have IRL but the first person to reply choose the secondary effect
i think i saw someone with this type of post before but icl this was how i got into forsaken (i thought chance was a nine xfohv gijinka)
We’re so back
Oh noes
Based on my avater who do you think I main(survivor)
How do i access the Private Server Command Panel?
How did you first come across the game? Ill go first.
Which forsaken character do you relate to the most when it comes to their personality and lore?
You are fighting your main survivor how screwed are you mine is two time
why is everyone so rude pls i started 2 days ago
When I saw this screenshot I immediately thought of this lol
every known killer and survivor based on their design and charcter trait
what i think n7 and c00lkjid story is [ it is backwards ]
im making a forsaken style game, and i need ideas
Which Original Killer is your favorite?
i have 23 hours and 55 minutes of playtime so i made a [ very controversial ] tier list
am i the only one who fells this felling
Shit’s took me forever
Roblox card game RoPUNCH + RULES ( i am not a digital artist : (. )