What’s one behavior you see repeatedly in book characters which no one has in real life?
I've decided not to continue erha after vol 7.
Best Wipes - searching for the one
I will never be the same after Cold Sands
Can anyone help me understand if my new anxiety symptoms are related to my UC
The Fifth Season by N.K Jemisin 99p deal
Happy QJJ Vol 3 Release Day!
How I've read every hardcover copy of the Stormlight archives comfortably
Remnants of Filth: Yuwu Vol. 7 (FINALE) will have a special edition!
My set up for reading the hardcover Stormlight Archives books comfortably
My set up for reading the hardback Stormlight archives books comfortably
New Year's Events
How would you describe your favourite Sanderson book or character using only emojis?
Why are there so many historical Chinese fantasy books right now?
Just failed my driving test at the end within sight of the driving centre. Cheer me up up with pet stories.
want to know the story behind the reminder
Any Sad ending Danmei?
[Giveaway] Mistborn Bookends from Year of Sanderson
Are these bugs anything to worry about?
Had anyone had any luck recently gaining the password for Drowning sorrows in raging fire?
Recs that will make me cry
that one danmei that RUINED you?
Two plants in my collection have started growing variegated leaves!
Options for mouse/rat infestation?