Reboot character idea
It's gone!!
Opinions on Mahone
Can T-bag be redeemed
Shredder being an Idiot
Who is the evilest?
Who is your favorite and least favorite demon
iZombie has turned 10
Leo and Karai error
My favorute scene in the show
jackie walker deserved so much better 😞
This is one of the few people that have made my skin CRAWL in SVU and I don’t know why.
One of Dr Huang's more controversial takes.
why crowley became Good After Season 8
When did you realise you may be watching the greatest tv show of all time?
What would you remove from TMNT 2012?
How would an episode revolving the Winchesters and John Constantine go?
2012 design sucks
Who's your most hated character? I'll start.
Custom shirt part 2
Demon protection
I keep my promises
Custom shirt