I just beat the World Record for Tetris for Chromatic
Food Stamps Apparently.
I’ve seen people show their EDC on other subs so here’s my everyday carry.
Gonna call it the "Arrival Takes ForEver"Drive once I finally get it
Commissioning help possible?
Tetris Endless Top Scores + Settings?
AIO for not quitting the gym because my boyfriend told me to
Around 6% of Americans believe they can defeat a grizzly bear in a hand-to-hand combat
Playing Pokemon red for the first time
I was scammed on my first PC :/
What are the color codes for the four GB colors?
Pokemon rom hacks Recommendations?
What's your best sprint run in Tetris?
Replacements are coming.
CEO/Engineer of ModRetro here
Any chance we'll ever be able to buy blank carts to flash ROMs on?
I thought it was funny anyway
Added a Bestiary so you can fight this fluffy moth as many times as you want
No Up and Down Movement in Shoot em Up
I played my first Pokemon game and, meh.
Thinking about coding your own Game Boy games in ASM? I just released the book "Game Boy Assembly Programming for the Modern Game Developer" alongside the GingerBread library
The 32X and the European Mind
Color only advantages?
Tomtoc Case Issue - It has permanently discoloured my Chromatic 🤬
Why Are Sega 32X Fans So Right-Wing?