What hardware synthesizers have the best design (in terms of appearance) in your opinion?
If you had to choose between having sex before marriage and waiting till the marriage but masturbating with use of sex toys then what would you choose?
If, according to the Matt. 5:28, the time you desired a woman you're not married with you literally fornicated with her, then why I still must wait till the marriage?
God will not let me go, please help me cope.
My photo frame is pretty frutiger aero, isn't it?
Maybe frutiger metro music clip
My Homescreen (2024)
The world is healing
Need your opinion on my design
Found this Theme
What OS had the best skeuomorphic icons
What songs give you Frutiger Aero vibes?
Панове, а де власне можна знайти собі молодичку?
Як знайти дівчину якщо ти не симпатичний?
Wasted Penguinz Youtube account is blocked.