hot prof
Library 5th floor
Fuck Orgo and Lab
is it just me?
soooo? are we supposed to be fine with being peeped on in the library bathrooms 😭😭
I think the worst thing is realizing that this school isn’t even that bad, it’s the fact that…
Dude winters almost over why are you still fat
$7 lunch on Fridays.
nonstop talking in bigger lectures
At this point just make a 2nd Chik fil a in Sherman hall while it’s under construction
Silent floor
Flat Tuesdays feat. Remy from Ratatouille
International Exchange From UK
Omg!!! Squirrel encounter!
A Better look at the Panigale V4
any advice?
Victim card player from umbc
will i make it 😔
BIOL 302
payment plan
Biology vs Public Health Major
A good professors decline shown in RMP reviews.
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