AL Heinrich worth it on Tirpitz?
Why does everyone hate FDG?o
opened 10 azur lane crates and had the worst luck known to man
So what do think of the colab so far? Best/Worst commander/Ship?
Wows tier 8 BBs
NDS in 2025💔🥀
F. Der Grosse
Not even 2 minutes in
I just started the German battlecruisers, this happened
What are you gunning for in the new AL event (if you are planning for anything)
Which medal do you have the most of and why?
Wanted to share this drawing of a "Fast Battleships" dream line for the US that I planned out
my luck is… questionable
Good t9 premium bb
Beautiful double dev strike
kms scharnhorst wreck discussion (only photos i could find of the wreck)
What should I buy with 24k doubloons?
Little rant about Spartan
Tell me the ship you main…
The new upcoming event BBs are some big boys (Satsuma is basically Kurfuerst-sized and Hannover sets a new record)
What an angry looking smoke
what ship should I get with 24k doubloons
Should I buy Atlanta or flint?
What AA cruiser should I buy for doubloons?
Whats your favourite ship