What ship is this, tried everything but can't find it.
Where my GWOT gang at
House of the Rising Sun is THE Cold War song
Hey fellas I saw these weird lights in the air last night. I’m 99.9% sure they are UFOs
Talk me into something.
Anyone seen these in real life or being made stateside?
So we are in Cold War 2.0. 🤔
Scam or legit? Don't think you can run with an actual tourniquet properly applied to your leg.
Rate my start for food
I beseech thee
"The railgun nerf was a good thing. If you can't deal with armored enemies without a railgun, you don't deserve it"
Caught a stray bullet driving through southern Arizona. What do?
Cold War-related gift
What scene/scenes made you cry?
Tell me which [COD] is your favorite and I’ll let you know if your in
[PC][Mid 2000s- 2010s] Strategy game where you play as the US army against Russians? 3rd person combined arms resource based game.
My lil Rig
What pack, bag, bailout kit is this?
Form 1 suppressors?
What gat.
Rails for an MSA ACH?
“Zits” on prints
Gun ID please!