How's this legal?
The Swindon Advertiser: Your Daily Dose of Hyperlocal Hilarity
Jack Black Hosting SNL in April
First vs 2:1
Britain worklessness mess but why the unemployment rate still low?
It is incredible to look at how saturated the UK DIY retail sector was, compared to now
Transport in Swindon now makes me lazy.
Tough job market taking advantage of candidates
New vision for Swindon town centre pitched to House of Lords
Should we discourage young people from going to university?
False Job Advertisements
Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn
I have been offered a job
Mafia II remains authentic
Don Salieri explains the rules to Tommy.
“My boot scootin’ baby is drivin’ me crazy”
The scariest part about being unemployed for a while isn't just not having a job.
I did not know that one of the gangsters in Running Man quest has their name known.
Places / Clubs to meet people in the 20 - 25 age bracket?
4 months not working
Are we ready to talk about how just how badly this has aged? Like, in almost every way.
WWE Niagara Falls POV from 2002–2003
As it was said in the fandom - we can tell the woman that the man she is waiting for is in different alley.
Who is going to the Kyle Gass show in London?
Reminded myself that without email applying for jobs would take ages.