What's a game franchise you've just never been able to get into despite trying several times?
I FINALLY GOT IT! What would you name it?
Only 2 companions can get you out of Quarry Junction alive, who are they?
What game is this to you?
Why does my Pip-Boy look like straight up shit from an ass?
Why is my Easy Pete white??
Marcy Long was acting up again
Why does everyone hate dead money?
Which video game from either Fallout or Elder Scrolls do you think should get Remade?
What should I name my new racism stick?
Do you think Mr. House would accept synth body from the institute?
Skyrim. How tf is this 15 year old game THIS immersive?! (Even compared to Fallout?)
What should I name this gun
Which game is like this for you?
What scene had you looking at the show like this?
What game series had you like this?
Which game is this for you?
What games come close to being as good?
Many years of minecraft were worth it
Do your parents play videogames?
Favorite childhood osts
Is it just me, or does anyone else see a comparison?
Is it just me, or did anyone else see a comparison?
Horde base with loot bag trap. What do y'all think?
Invent a superpower that saves people.