What's the condition of your belly?
A person does extremely messed up crimes( ra₽e, killing hundreds and destroyed many peoples lives and extremely abused many children) will that person deserve a second chance if he tries to be better?
Do you have ADHD? ….
Could you date someone, that has a not mean or anything but an unwelcoming family vibe?
Which one of these do you most wish was never invented?
Am I a jerk for not doing what my dying grandma wants?
What is your current level of enthusiasm towards achieving Fire and the movement itself?
Should people be shamed upon for eating dogs?
Found a breast lump and the response is nonchalant?!
What do you trust as validation of great contemporary art?
Like the film Shallow Hal, all people can only see other people's inner beauty and not their physical appearance. What is your reaction to this?
You have gigantic eyebags. WYR accept them or get rid of them?
People in the US, when do you usually file your taxes?
How many places have you been banned from, with those who banned you stating reasons which don't actually reflect what happened?
Is Adam Gontier attractive?
What’s are some challenges you’ve overcome to be single and happy?
Do you think Americans should have to pass the same citizenship test immigrants have to take in order to graduate high school?
What’s a Misconception About Adulthood You Had as a Kid?
What is a small decision you made that had a surprisingly big impact on your life?
Elders, people of reddit with life experience what does it mean to love someone ?
Is it possible to strengthen the prefrontal cortex (PFC), its connections, and the frontostriatal network and if so how?
What aresocial media platforms that you are on that were not created in the US or China?
Non-North Americans: which (if any) of the USA's iconic sauces have you tried and liked the most?
Are you dyeing your grey/silver hair or planning to when you get them?
"crying is a selfish behaviour because by getting upset in front of someone, you may make the other person upset or emotional too" what are your thoughts on that statement?