Hiccup's Toothless Quilt from Homecoming
Sticker translation
יש vs ישנה
Cold War-related gift
Nordstrom Baby N Teddy Bear
Stolen/lost dorm room items over covid
Tomato soup/sauce
Nordstrom Baby N Stuffed Bear
Looking to replace stolen bear
Annie Cresta
Scar tingliness?
Currently in the military stationed abroad. Military wants me to get surgery back in the States and fly back only 2 weeks after surgery. Is this safe?
Donating blood post- ACL surgery
Shin pain
Banned and all comments removed from r/Indiancountry for disputing misinformation that Jews have only been in Israel for 100 years and Israel was founded in 1967, and no Jews were there before that.
Anyone here a pilot?
How many of you potsies get blood pooling?
Have any of you had surgery?
Smart to get out if you’re a tourist?
Looking for Harry
Columbia v Harvard
Deferral Program Thread - Columbia LEAD & Harvard JDP 2021
My version of the finale
Test Results - Last Episode prediction
One epi left, who’s your all time favourite?