$3800 mortgage on $400k house.
How much of your salary do you actually get to enjoy?
Utterly humiliated at the on post Taco Bell
Those who grew up poor, what is something those who weren't poor don't understand about being poor?
Millennials, what's y'all plan for retirement?
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
Is there something wrong with me or are “boys” a different species
$300k salary
Is it worth getting 30-years mortgage
Unpopular Opinion, But professionalism is very Subjective
What's the craziest thing you've seen people volunteer for in the Army?
Thoughts on West Point?
I think I just had a panic attack
What motivates you to wake up and go to work everyday?
Should I live with my parents in a LCOL area or go to a HCOL area on my own?
80K salary, with $25K debt. Feels like I’m sinking.
23M, $105k Salary. How am I doing ?
What is ruining your mental health?
I’m was told I have combative communication
How many friends do you have?
If money wasn't a factor, what would you do full time?
Those of you making under 60k- are you okay?
VA Secretary announces %15 cut of employees.
Automotive industry . 37 year old and no college degree
Anyone a 46S?