Did this POS really say this? I can’t find a source for his comment.
Just a reminder about the shah’s statues.
Why do so many people (here) want the Shah back more than democracy?
The Muslims
Who would you support as a leader of a post-clerical Iran?
iconic photo at Urmia, South Azerbaijan
Assman strikes back
Anyone know the backstory of this picture? I'm so confused
Conspiracy theory: The "pro-monarchy" sentiments online is backed by the Israeli government.
Despite the attacks against Leftists and anyone affiliated with the ideology of leftism. Here some scary communists proudly showing their support for Women, Life, Freedom movement in the freezing cold with nothing but their compassionate hearts and the thought of a future free Iran warming them.
Public execution of Michał Kruk and Aleksander Hirschberg. German occupation of Poland, Przemyśl, Kopernika Street, September 6, 1943 [768x545]
Do you think nowadays that there is a increased risk that more tourists might be abducted by the regime, given that a bunch of agents were recently busted by the US, and there is heightened tension with the United States currently?
Not a single symbol of Norooz in his bunker, not a single mention of Norooz in his speech. His end is near. Hopefully Islamic Republic goes down with him.
I have a feel in this Nowruz would be the last with Islamic Republic
Political parties should democracy happen
I wish you were here to see that our parents made a big mistake and that we are getting back to our roots. Rohat Shad mihanparaste bozorgvar!
Is this real?
A large crowd is calling for the return of Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi in front of Ferdowsi’s tomb in Tus, Iran. (Today, Nowruz 1404/2584) “This is the final battle, Pahlavi will return” & “Reza Reza Pahlavi, this is the national slogan”
My favorite thing Disney did is this right here.
Suppression of Nowruz in certain countries
Khameneii's Nowruz speech
Battle Lines: 'Iran is on the brink of a revolution,' says exiled Crown Prince
Society is leading towards pahlavi-era values more than ever. #Chaharshanbesuri
Islamic Republic of Turkey
Civil war between the Artesh and the IRGC?