Im going to die, where will i go?
What if it keeps worsening? Whats the ending point?
How mania feels like
Anyone always depressed
Huion Stylus
Question about audible hallucinations
this awkward af
What age do you think your BPD started at?
What are you binging on (addicted to) to escape the emptiness?
every day this week
Jobs to do when depressed
I’ve taken 40 pills worth of Zoloft. Why am i not dying?
Damn you Netflix for ruining my life
are there any songs that you just can't listen to because they make you feel extremely overwhelmed?
Some random told me to stop my meds to take natural medication
What are some of your guy’s reasons to stay?
I hate my illnesses, I hate BPD, I’m never going to amount to anything, being alive is torture
Is occasional weed bad?
Ghospel songs
How to calm down a manic episode
Easy page turners for people Who don't read often
Movies that are peaceful with almost no tension
Distinct entitiy in my head
What should my next action step be???
Do you have a voice in your head?