New pup! Basically no background, estimated 1 year old roughly. Any guesses?
We’ve heard pit mixed with cattle dog, coonhound, or pointer. Any ideas?
A Body in the Snow: The Trial of Karen Read | March 18, Episodes 3 & 4
They know when you’re sad. Crying most of the day, she never leaves me. We don’t deserve dogs.
My sister was definitely born female, why is ancestry dna saying she's my brother?
Birthday Girl
Twin brothers miss their flight to Boston, found dead 24 hours later in Georgia mountains
Someone told my sister "GSD & Pit Bull" but I'm not sure.
Guess my breed 🖤
Let’s see your combo
At work and wanted to check in on the dogs.
5 minutes before the alarm goes off. 🤣 “I’m waiting, Mom, let’s get up!”
Recently adopted this sweet boy. Was told by shelter hes a GSD mix, what do you guys think?
Should I tape my pups ears up or let them be floppy?
Why did you get a mal
I own a German Shepherd and a Malinois. I read posts from both sides.
Anyone else with a Malinois Labrabull?
How can i get my malinois to stop biting?
Excuse me, ma’am, while I consume your head.
She ate the tip off a flathead!
Any long hair Malinois in the chat?
Anybody else’s mal look at them like this when they want cuddles?😭
Why did you take your DNA test