Nicola was the definition of the society. Now who's just straight up evil?
Other than Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Minato and Itachi, who are your number 1 and 2 favourite characters and why?
Teruko (not Q) is chosen for the gremlin. Now, who's the definition of society. "Mmm.....society."
I'm just too lazy to understand the whole comments, so I used the most upvoted comment (only this time) and Haruno wins. Now, who's the gremlin?
✨ Day 17! ✨ 15 y/o Chuuya won Angry Feral! Who would fit Angry Bastard?
What were your stupid ass assumptions before watching bsd?
Day 22: Results
Could anyone tell who is he??
First novel you ever read?
Day 1, what bsd character is this?
Day 21- First character that comes to your mind when you see this initial- Z
Day 20- First character that comes to your mind when you see this initial- Y
I’m bored so Day 1 ✨🎀🙃🎉
Day 19- First character that comes to your mind when you see this initial- T
Black N' White, Art Chronicles (me), Charcoal, 2024
Day 19- First character that comes to your mind when you see this initial- S
A charcoal sketch I recently finished, thoughts?
Day 17- First character that comes to your mind when you see this initial- R
Chuuya dominated for the hot one 💀 Now who's the only normal person?
How many artists did you listen too in this years wrapped, and who is top artist?
Day 16- First character that comes to your mind when you see this initial- P
N stormbringer became the made to be hated. Who's the hot one?
Day 15- First character that immediately comes to your mind when you see this initial- O
Day 14- First character that comes to your mind when you see this initial-N
Day 13- First character that comes to your mind when are you see this initial- M