Porque el hate y la funa a la chingu amiga? Es decir creo que no es la primera vez pero ahora sí suena muy serio jaja.
Is there any news about s3?
Here Be Dragons Tour setlist (courtesy of setlist.fm)
That's why they are Main Victims
Tarja and Marko are coming to my town, what songs can I expect from them?
Content creator pulls a fire alarm just for likes, claims he can do 'a lot worse'
Drac was chosen; next row> Opinions are divided good person
Is anyone hyped for the actual match???
Favorite AW2 new character?
Porque los hombres compran only si hay p0rno gratis?
Nació prematuro y lo tiraron a la basura
Why does it sound so bad?
Alan Wake II is likely never coming to Steam
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What % of Alan Wake 2 is as stressful as Initiation 2?
From worst to best, rank the six Castlevania seasons.
Don't you love when a random video of yours suddenly gets picked by the algorithm and skyrockets?
Gente que trabaja en casetas, gasolineras y tiendas a mitad de la nada en carreteras, ¿Cómo le hacen?
How's the current state of the game?
¿Sentirse "mal" por "perder tiempo" en la chamba?
Is it worth traveling to a YCS even if I know I don't stand a chance at winning anything?
Are any other beta players still playing?
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Old man knocks a random kid out in a store