Fun Fact: Benji is the only contestant to be in the bottom two with Spencer and not get eliminated.
That this was their only "interaction" on All Stars was a crime given how fun it was to see Heather and Sierra interact on World Tour.
Found this take on twitter
What is a class rank?
Why was Iris so hated when she was pretty much the same as Misty who was loved?
Noivern has been removed, who’s next
My favorite scene from DC4 so far is this ngl
Ranking based on how they played the game (Disclaimer: has opinions)
Any what if ideas?
If Lynda was a finalist, who should be her opponent?
Comparing DC (COC vs AS) Characters (DAY 15) - Which of these two characters is more mature in YOUR opinion?
im failing geometry
The loud house siblings in south park artstyle!!
Shalpha remoraid
Guess my age from my playlist
Who do you think SHOULD go home if Blue loses?
Why does everyone hate Zoe😭
Who would you say is the main antagonist of the season so far?
Claw Noir tried to ki*l himself
Anastasia bullied Lynda for multiple episodes and expected her not to flip? Girl I want whatever you’re smoking
Fav ship for Spencer?
Shaking trees and got a shiny ✨
Ranking the TD and DC cast by how much I think they’re a good person, not completely going off the show’s morality scale
I’m sorry… WHAT?! Part 2: The Electric Boogaloo
DisSpencer Camp