Guardian corpses dont decompose, they crystallize!
احب اشكركم كلكم بلا استثناء
Does optional quests gives?
I enjoyed Monster hunter wilds but there is something missing and I don't quite know what.
Capture Net fishing for Gold/Plat fish is still pretty good.
MH:Wilds Doesn't Have a Content Problem
Few personal wishes I'd like to see in the future of MH:Wilds
PSA : Don't forget to carry a Powercharm and Armorcharm in your pouch at all time for a free attack and armor boost
serious talk what happened to zoh shia ? where is zoh shia armor set and weapons ?
Cheaters already at it
عندك دعوة مستجابه ان شاءالله
Fuck it
Are people not even trying to hide cheats now? 🤣
Someone on Twitter said that Nina & Anna switch how they dress on T8. I'm curious so I switched them back
للناس الي فوق الثلاثين /وش التصورات الي قبل عن الثلاثين وبعدها اكتشفتوا انها خطا
Articuno Playable When
is it just me, or am i losing it? why is my hunter's head moving like it has wind physics?! has anybody else encountered this?
This Collab when
Nightflower not collectable on Full Moon! (Screenshot Proof)
Me after the latest patch
They say the game is easy
احتاج صديق صياد
Fishing, Endemic Life, & gathering is weirdly fun
HSR as a game and the way it does the story
The perfect anime for a Collab with monster hunter wilds