What’s the worst Nickelodeon Movie in your opinion?
Who’s company would be the worst to be trapped with and who’s company would be the most enjoyable?
Genuine Question: Could Nickelodeon Cartoons and Movies ever have been strong competition for Disney?
What's the most aggravating thing for you ingame?
What is your favorite Jack Nicholson movie?
Disney’s “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” And “Batman Returns” Comparison.
Is “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” Disney’s darkest picture?
We're at 260 OCs now and still open for more!
Would this be too obscure for his Dark Toons series? God, I miss that series.
Would this be too obscure for his Dark Toons series?
Personality Profile for my OC Adam, in the style of Bully Game
My Bully OC - Adam
My Bully OC - Mary Brown
I cant believe I used to be a fan of his…
In terms of pacing, which movie in your opinion has the fastest pace and which is a slow boil?
Hot take: MITB Ladder matches were better as part of the wrestle mania card rather than its own PPV
The only thing worse than faceless bureaucrats are bureaucrats with faces.
Hypocrisy at it's best
Night of Champions 2008: Review
Just unsubbed from StupidFood because mods can't handle a damn joke
We all owe bro a huge apology
Who would win this Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania 41?
If you performed in musical theatre during pre or early teen years, and your voice broke
If you performed during pre or early teen years, and your voice broke
Videos 95% generation and stuck
How would you like to see an animated reboot of Kim Possible handled?
How would you like to see an animated reboot handled?