What’s worse: 3rd trimester tired or newborn tired?
What age did you move toddler/child to their own bedroom?
AITA For not picking my bf up after getting punched?
How many weeks were you when you gave birth to your first?
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For those who left candy out - has anyone taken the entire bowl of candy?
Can a 7 months old forget how to breastfeed?!
Do waiting staff at fine dine restaurants expect to receive tips?
How does Annabeth not know what Disneyland is?
Daughters legs are always bruised
Finished my album this morning 🥹
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Which episode would you pick?
Free to good home.
Anyone else ever have this issue?
I have almost finished the album and I want to help anyone who needs any sticker. Just put it in the comments and I will help them.
Who needs non gold cards still to complete whole album? I have a few extras and I’m gold locked so show screenshot and if I have it I’ll send it to you ☺️
5 to go 🫣
How did nobody figure out Viktor had powers before?