Prețurile din farmacii sunt încă un motiv să nu folosesc medicamente când sunt răcit
Ce v-a enervat azi?
CasualRo a devenit neutilizabil
Reveal the 4th picture in your camera roll (sigma check)
When was the last time you felt genuinely happy?
Ce „experiențe” ați avut cu românii pe Olx?
cum sa procedez in cazul asta?
Unusually accurate
Când Karma lovește rapid
Când am salutat un manechin
Ce experiențe ați avut cu românii pe Olx?
Ați avut experiențe neplăcute cu taximetriști?
If you could ask one question and get a truthful answer, what would you ask?
What is the dumbest advice you’ve ever received that actually worked?
If you could ban one thing from existence, what would it be and why?
What is an unpopular opinion you strongly believe is true?
What is something that most people consider “normal,” but you find completely ridiculous?
How was your day?
What is like being a sex worker?
What was your first job?
Why is medication so expensive?
De ce produsele de îngrijire sunt extrem de scumpe? Șampoane deodorante etc
De ce medicamentele sunt atât de scumpe?
Care este cel mai mare regret al tău?