Who is a Desmond, Sawyer, Locke, and Ben fan here 😊?
what's the worst character redesign of all time
Which character do you think you would get along with and which character would you not get along with on the island?
Do we even Still like Ben Linus, or is he just a person we all love to hate?
What are your guy's thoughts on Linus, was he successful character in LOST, or does he just downfall by his motivations and behavior?
Barbie-Oppenheimer Pink Floyd
Was watching SAW and my first thought was "Bug eyed motherfucker" 😂
Do you have an actor that you like but you’re not really sure why?
I randomly found this in my Walmart today
Live Together, Die Alone (Stylized Character Poster by me)
When you remember a cringe moment from your past?
Found the puzzle at a thrift store! Normally don’t buy opened puzzle, but I couldn’t resist!
Performances of a Higher Tier
Hi everyone! I’m a new fan and artist. LOST has inspired me so much, I wanted to share some of the art I’ve made!! These are studies from screenshots.
First time watcher,... This is the character I could not stand on the series even for a sec, until...
Thomas and Grace, are a great couple when It comes to being both together
Which Pixar villain was the most evil?
To be honest, this is the best picture of Thomas Shelby I've seen...
Say hello to Ben Linus
I have to say it: I like Ben Linus!
Did any of you realize Henry Gale and Ben Linus look alike 🤯
Ben Linus: do you consider him truly evil or not?
who’s your favorite character?
If Lost was to have any theme song- what song would suit it best?
The only honest thing Ben said in the whole show